Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University (BAMU)
Aurangabad, Maharashtra, (INDIA)
International Conference on “Biotechnology for Better Tomorrow”(BTBT-2011)
February 6-9,2011
All topics related to Microbial biotechnology will be discussed in the conference. Agriculture, Soil, Forest microbial biotechnology, Aquatic biotechnology. Geomicrobiology, Food biotechnology ,Pharmaceutical biotechnology ,Bioinformatics in biotechnology, Veterinary biotechnology, Environmental biotechnology, Industrial biotechnology, Medical biotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Biological and biomedical imaging, Biomedical computational drug discovery, Microbioreactors, Biomimetic Bioremediation, Bioleaching, Biosensor, Biodiversity , Marine Microbiology, Plant pathology, Microbial Physiology, Metabolism and Gene Expression, Antimicrobial Surfaces, Antimicrobial toxins ,Biofilms ,Microarrays in Microbiology , Microbial Production of Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Single-cell analysis of microbes, Biotechnology and Policy, Biotechnology and biodiversity, Biotechnology and patents, Space biotechnology. and other microbial biotechnology related topics.
Scientific Programme
The conference will consist of four days of technical proceedings. A strong scientific programme will be presented with invited speakers and high-quality oral presentations to address the latest issues in the subject. In addition, a comprehensive poster session will allow delegates to present their own research results. The case study papers are encouraged while papers of a more theoretical nature, dealing with advanced mathematical and computational methods, will also be within the scope of the conference
Important Dates
Submission of abstract : October 30, 2010
Registration at Normal rates: November 30, 2010
Booking of accommodation : November 30, 2010
Registration at Normal rates: November 30, 2010
Booking of accommodation : November 30, 2010
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