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Monday, February 15, 2010

Chennai International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Drugs | ICMPHD 2010

International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Drugs: Challenges and Opportunities in Cultivation Sustainable Utilization and Conservation | ICMPHD 2010
4 - 6, March - 2010

Sponsored by
University Grants Commission (UGC)
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
Department of Science and Technology (DST),
Govt. of India, New Delhi
Vel's University, Chennai

Organising Secretary
PG & Research Department of Botany,
Pachaiyappa's College,
Chennai - 600 030. Tamil Nadu
Nature has been a source of medicinal agents for thousands of years and an impressive number of modern drugs have been isolated from natural sources and many based on their use as traditional medicine. Worldwide, more than 35,000 plant species have been used for medicinal purposes. India and China are the leading countries enjoying major global market share in medicinal plants. India is a home to thousands of medicinally important plant species; it is ranked sixth among 12 mega diversity countries of the world. But due to over-exploitation, plant resources are depleting globally at an alarming rate and in near future a number of medicinally important plant species will find a place in red data book. While the demand for medicinal plants is increasing, their survival in their natural habitats is under threat. At this juncture, there is a need to build strong interface to transfer scientific, technological and logistic support to developing countries in promoting the cultivation, conservation and industrialization of medicinal plants. The present conference will highlight the need for the study of medicinal plants and herbal drugs and to explore world market of medicinal plants.
The conference will focus on new developments in all aspects related to medicinal plants such as
• Cultivation of medicinal plants
• Uses of medicinal plants as food additives
• Sustainable harvesting of local resources
• Conservation and utilization of genetic resources of medicinal plants
• Biotechnological methods for conservation of medicinal plants
• Molecular techniques to augument medicinal plants utilization.
• Biodiversity and bioprospecting of medicinal plants
• Ethnobotany and ethnoveterinary medicine
• Pharmacognosy and ethnopharmacology
• Development of drugs and commercialization of local knowledge
• Quality control and standardization of herbal products and formulations
Scientists, college and university teachers, research scholars, students and conservation professionals are invited to submit abstracts on the broad themes of the conference for oral as well as for poster presentations. The abstract of the papers, approximately 300 words, containing the title, author's name, affiliation and key words, shall reach the organizers by e-mail : “tsekar_bot@yahoo.com” latest by 20th February, 2010. The abstracts should be submitted in MS WORD (Title: Times New Roman 14 pt., bold text; Affiliations: Times New Roman 12 pt Bold text; Text: Times New Roman 11 pt., single space, normal font). Name of the presenting author should be underlined in the abstract. Acceptance of the paper is subjected to the scrutiny by an expert committee, the criteria being relevance to the theme and timely receipt. The authors would be informed about the acceptance and mode of presentation.
Instructions for oral presentation
Each oral presentation is strictly limited to seven minutes, followed by three minutes of discussion. Oral presentations are preferred in English.
Instructions for poster presentation
Poster presentations should be in english. The maximum poster size is 80 cm wide and 120 cm high. Title, authors' names and affiliation should be included at the top of the poster. The poster should consist of introduction, methods, results and discussion. It should be clear, simple and self explanatory: Posters must be understandable in the absence of the author. All figures and tables must have headings, labeled axes and legends. Lettering should be legible from a distance of 1 m. Exhibitors are responsible for mounting posters and removing them at the end of the conference.
Important Dates :
Last date for registration : 20th February, 2010
Deadline for submission of abstract : 20th February, 2010
Date of notification of acceptance : 22nd February, 2010
Duly filled registration forms accompanied by payment may kindly be sent to the organizers latest by 20th February, 2010. To facilitate larger participation the registration fee is fixed at reduced rates, inclusive of conference material and local conveyance, the fee schedule is:
Faculty : Rs. 800/-
Students/Research Scholars* : Rs. 500/-
Accompanying persons : Rs. 300/-
*Students should get certificate from the Head of the institution or the Head of the department. Payment by Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of "The Organizing Secretary, ICMPHD - 2010" payable at Chennai and send to Dr. T. Sekar, Organizing Secretary (ICMPHD-2010), Department of Botany, Pachaiyappa's College, Chennai - 600 030, Tamil Nadu.
Accommodation will be provided to the participants on request with full payment in advance. The per day hotel tariff ranges from Rs. 200 to 500 for a single room and Rs. 600 to 1000 for a double room. Those who opt for private accommodation may indicate their option in the registration form.
It is planned to organize an exhibition at the venue of conference for exhibiting herbal formulations, pharma products, scientific instruments, books and magazines. Vendors and companies are welcome to participate and they are advised to contact the organizers.
Request from Dr.T.Sekar (Organizing Secretary), Pachaiyappa's College

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