RoorkeeAdmission to PhD Programmes and Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Autumn Semester 2010-11)
Indian Institue of Technology Roorkee (Formerly University of Roorkee), a premier Institute of Science and Technology, has a distinguished tradition of excellence spanning over 160 years. The Departments / Centres of the Institute are engaged in teaching, research and consultancy in the field of Engineering, Technology, Science and Management. The Institute offers 22 Undergraduate Courses including IDD and Integrated M.Tech. in Engineering & Architecture and 51 Postgraduate Courses in Engineering, Architecture, Science, Technology and Business Administration.
The Institute has been placed at the top in the country in coveted sector employment in Science and Technology.
Applications are invited for admission to full time/part time Ph.D. Programmes in the following departments/centres:
• Alternate Hydro-Energy Centre • Architecture and Planning • Biotechnology • Chemical Engineering • Chemistry • Civil Engineering • Earthquake Engineering • Earth Sciences • Electrical Engineering • Electronics & Computer Engg. • Humanities and Social Sciences • Hydrology • Management Studies • Mathematics • Mechanical & Industrial Engineering • Metallurgical & Materials Engineering • Physics • Paper Technology • Water Resources Development & Management
• Centre for Transportation Systems(CTRANS) • Centre for Disaster Mitigation • Centre for Nanotechnology.
However, these specializations are also available in respective parent departments.
• Institute Instrumentation Centre
An applicant possessing the following qualifications in appropriate area shall be eligible to apply for admission for Ph.D. programme of the Institute.
Masters degree in Engineering / Technology/Architecture/Urban & Rural Planning/Sciences/ Humanities & Social Sciences and Management in respective discipline or equivalent with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 6.00 on a 10 point scale or equivalent as determined by the Institute wherever letter grades are awarded; or 60% marks in aggregate (of all the years/ semesters) where marks are awarded. OR
Applicants with B.Tech./B.Arch. degree or equivalent in respective discipline with excellent academic record (with a minimum CGPA of 7.00 on a 10 point scale or equivalent or 70% marks) may be considered eligible for admission.
Applicants for admission for full-time studies who do not possess a M.Tech./M.Arch./MURP degree or equivalent in the relevant field must have a valid GATE score (at least 75 percentile) for Engineering / Technology/ Science disciplines or must have qualified national level fellowship examinations such as NET (JRF/LS) conducted by UGC/CSIR for Science/ Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines.
Engineering/Architecture graduates from any IIT/erstwhile University of Roorkee having CGPA Score > 8.00 or marks > 80% are also eligible for admission without GATE score.
a) Relaxation in eligibility requirement in terms of minimum CGPA upto 5.5 or 55% marks in aggregate will be given to SC/ST, physically handicapped applicants and those with M.A. English (for admission to Ph.D. English in the Deptt. of Humanities and Social Sciences of IIT Roorkee) as per Institute regulations.
b) Person with Disability (PD) applicants may be permitted relaxation in eligibility requirement of CGPA to 5.5 on a 10 point scale or equivalent, or to 55% marks as per regulations.
c) For the SC/ST applicants minimum GATE score requirement will be 50 percentile. d) Reservation for OBC/SC/ST will be as per Govt. of India directive/Institute rules.
(i) Full-Time Research Scholar :
(a) Institute Research Scholar (b) Govt./Semi.Govt. Fellowship Awardees (QIP, CSIR, UGC, DAE, DST, DBT, etc.)
(c) Sponsored Candidates (d) Self Financed (Indian/Foreign/ Study Leave/ College Teacher) (e) ICCR Awardees (Foreign Students)
(ii) Part Time Research Scholars
(a) Institute Faculty / Staff (b) Project Staff (c) External Candidates (Sponsored)”IIT Roorkee recognized organization”
A limited number of fellowships are available to carry out advanced research in all the disciplines as mentioned above. Interested candidates having a Ph.D. Degree may apply for Post-Doctoral Fellowship in all the disciplines mentioned above.
Qualification: Candidates with a Ph.D. degree in Science, Engineering, Humanities or Management with first class in the degree preceeding to Ph.D. with at least two publications in refereed journals. Candidates who have recently submitted their doctoral thesis are also eligible to apply subject to the condition that they will furnish the proof of award of Ph.D. degree at the time of interview.
Age limit: 35 years. The age limit may be relaxed in exceptional case. Duration : 2 years (renewable for one more year).
Fellowship : (i) Rs. 25,000/- p.m. for a Ph.D. with 2 years experience (ii) Rs. 20,000/- p.m. for a recent Ph.D. degree holder. Contingency : Rs. 20,000/- per annum.
• Application form and other details can be downloaded from and the completed application form should be sent to Chairman, PG Admission- 2010 along with a demand draft of Rs. 200/- in favour of Chairman, PG Admission, IIT Roorkee. Separate applications be sent for separate departments. Application form with other detailed information can also be obtained from the Chairman, PG Admission-2010, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667 by sending a demand draft for Rs. 250/- in favour of Chairman, PG Admission, IITR and a self addressed envelope (23 x 17 cm).
• Please visit the Institute website for detailed information concerning admissions and application forms.
Employed candidates seeking admission must submit Application Form through their employer along with ‘No Objection’.
• Some Institute Assistantships (MHRD) may be available, as per Institute Regulations.
For more information, please contact : Chairman, PG Admission-2010 , Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee - 247667 (India) Ph: (01332) 285875/284010. Fax (01332) 285874, E-mail :
Website : http//